As a business owner, your stress comes from all angles - more often than not you're wearing multiple hats, spinning multiple plates. 

You work long days, that roll into even longer nights and frankly, this way of living is not sustainable. 

At some point along the way, you start feeling less like a winner, and more like that person who is constantly letting the people around you down:

Your clients

Your staff

Your partner

Your kids...

But that's only because to compensate for diminishing productivity, you're putting in longer hours, eating into precious time with your loved ones...

And more importantly, eating into down time that you desperately need for recovery, 

So you can wake up the next morning, and do it all again.

However - 

We all have the same 24h in a day...

So how is it that some business owners can get so much done 

And seem to find that elusive work-life balance...

When you feel like you're constantly chasing your own tail?

That's because what you're lacking is far more important than time. 

It's energy. 

After all - energy, NOT time, is the currency of high performance. 

And here in The Energy Code, we will take you through our step by step approach to help you:

1_ identify any deficiencies and imbalances

2_determine the right form of fuel your body needs to operate at its peak

3_calculate your exact requirements to support all that you do physically and mentally

4_teach you how to structure your meals to support optimal energy, performance and long term health outcomes.

Then, and ONLY then, will you be able to break free from the grips of burnout and enter the realm of UNLIMITED energy for peak performance in business.

Metro Dietetics

We are a progressive allied health team that embraces cutting edge, up-to-date research and see our jobs as translating this research into practical advice to help you, our clients, get the most out of yourselves. We recognise that accurate, relevant nutrition information is all but lost in this information age we live in, so our mission is to bring to you, through all the noise, the stuff that really matters, and the stuff that actually works. The REAL science.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome To The Energy Code!

    • VIDEO: Welcome To The Energy Code 8 Week Program!

  • 2

    Module One

    • VIDEO: Calculating Requirements Intro

    • VIDEO: Calculating Requirements Step By Step


  • 3

    Module Two

    • VIDEO: Interpreting Pathology


  • 4

    Module Three


    • Body Scan Worksheet

    • Food Journal Template

  • 5

    Module Four

    • VIDEO: Mid-Program Review and Mindset

    • BONUS VIDEO: Exercise and Burnout by Matteo Giofre

  • 6

    Module Five

    • VIDEO: Reintroductions and Food List Expansion


  • 7

    Module Six

    • VIDEO: Sleep

  • 8

    Module Seven

    • VIDEO: Organising Your "Food Space"

    • Organising Food Space (Pantry and Fridge) Checklists

  • 9

    Module Eight

    • VIDEO: Final Thoughts and Forward Planning

    • Weekly Checklist (modifiable)

    • Shopping List (modifiable)

    • 4-Stage Progress Indicator / Tracker